Ravel Snapshot

Investor Transparency

Ravel is a visualization tool that analyzes the factors behind RQSI’s trading models and econometric framework. Ravel Snapshot provides a quick summary of signals and reads from the main tool.

Through our dashboard, investors receive a daily synopsis of how our strategy reacts to various market trends and stress events.

Unparalleled Transparency and Insight

Any liquid alt fund can tell you how much money they made on a given day. Most can show you the positions they held that led to their returns. Some can even show the individual instruments held in their portfolio at any given point. However, only few can show the underlying signals that led to certain positions and almost none can show the specific movements in the source data that lead to the signals they trade.

Unlike other firms, RQSI offers unparalleled transparency and insight through Ravel, a unique visualization tool that explores the trading models that run our portfolio, offering clarity into the research and economic theory behind each factor in our framework. The tool grants clarity into the core underpinnings of our strategy to help investors understand the value and impact of our alternative trading models.

We built the Ravel Dashboard as a sneak peek into the workings of our econometric models, giving users direct insight on how RQSI expects markets to react to the current economic outlook.

Investors can interact with Ravel through a variety of means:

Ravel Snapshot

A quick snapshot of the major components from our more comprehensive Ravel tool, generated daily


The main hub and knowledge base to explore the fundamentals of RQSI’s liquid alternative strategy. Ravel will be available for investors in the near future.

Ravel Report

A daily email report that covers reads generated from Ravel, asset class opinions, global economic comparisons, and more.